This is Plain Speaking, a newsletter with Candid Commentary on Current Affairs, from a writer with a science, literature, teaching, writing, consciousness and ethics background who’s been informing the world for 8 years at The Everyday Concerned Citizen and runs podcasts, interviews, and reports at Ramola D Reports.
If you’d like some no-holds-barred critical-thinking commentary from an indy thinker, writer, and journalist who’s been looking through the motley contrived muck of current-day reality—growing increasingly dystopian at the hands of dyed-in-the-wool deceivers while the stars on the other hand foretell great awakenings and change for humanity—and speaking her mind without pause (something she recommends everyone does), while offering you the unvarnished truth and inescapable fact on a platter in an irrepressible stream forever, this is the newsletter for you.
Subscribe to stay on top of reality and drill deep to the core of your own authentic self as a reader—first post coming soon!