Havana Syndrome: Intellectual Trickery, Strategic Deceit
Enter the short-tailed CIA Cricket (spychogenic at head)

So, I wasn’t able to watch the whole of this scintillating conference featuring academics and physicians examining the life and death of the CIA-labeled “Havana Syndrome” summoned to cover up the quite horrific and ongoing activities of the CIA, DOD, and various nefarious parties using Spectrum Weapons on people inside the USA (not just in Havana)—covered earlier here:
Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis
But I did watch enough to see the very sophisticated or should I say sophistry-situated attempt to create a complex alternate narrrative to bury the story in, one, predictably enough, led by psychologists, psychiatrists, and oh, hot-new-science-of-the-day, Neuropsychiatry!
Earnest exposition by opthalmologists and neuroscientists on the effects of “mysterious weaponry” on the eyes and brains of diplomats and spies suddenly hit with electromagnetic weapons or acoustic neuroweapons—words never used by these earnest docs—gave way to narrative-creation by neuropsychiatrists and neuropsychologists eager to welcome a new disorder into their fold.
Busy re-inventing the wheel, no-one would think to check the extensive historic documentation from the military or CIA on the study of the bio-effects of EMF/neuroweapons, covered here, for instance:
Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People
A few screenshots below:
I’m still waiting for the replay of the webinar which I’m not seeing on Youtube yet, but I did see a very interesting news report on Forces News, which I’ll post below:
Here a “mysterious” doctor from Auckland, Dr. Peter Bartholomew comments on the phenomenon (mysterious of course, just ask NBC, they like that word a lot, so do ABC and CBS—right up there with “bizarre” (CIA callword)) of the misnamed Havana-Syndrome and states firmly the recordings revealed to scientists in a “kept-secret” 2018 report show it is the (sit down and hold on to something solid, 150-mile winds headed your way) “Mating Call of the Indies Short-Tailed Cricket!”
Later the same mysterious man mysteriously states “this is a classic example of Mass Psychogenic Illness!” which he says he has been studying for 35 years. He also mispresents the Frey Effect, dismissing it as “perception of a sound” felt by a nerve by the side of your head, not a real sound, when microwaves hit the back of the head.
Such vehemence is in contrast with the soft-spoken-murmurings of Dr. James Lin, also on the video, who speaks of beams of microwave pulse radiation being absorbed by the brain and being transformed into sound. Professor Lin, a biomedical engineer has published on this subject and spoken about it, as here in this video when he was younger:
The subtle oscillations of microwave hearing however are not the real focus of what various CIA and Department of State personnel have been reporting, they have reported high-frequency sounds and loud sounds.
It’s interesting that psychologists and psychiatrists are called in to comment on Spectrum Weapon and neuroweapon attacks which military neuroscientists like James Giordano—who helped develop them—have conceded earlier come from neuroweapons or microwave weapons.
But this is classic CIA trickery which is seeking to keep its crimes classified, while hundreds of thousands of Americans and people worldwide report their daily and nightly assaults with EMF/neuroweaponry online, and post the documents, manuals, patents detailing military usage and development of various of these weapons.
“Look here not there,” says the CIA, and “We’ll keep calling it mysterious so you can too.”
Enter the short-tailed cricket, producing mass “psychogenic illness” wherein “psychogenic” (alternate spelling “spychogenic”) means “Originating in the mind or in mental or emotional processes; having a psychological rather than a physiological origin.”
You know the chortling Mock Op Men and Women who work undercover for the CIA — or is it the other way round? the CIA men who work undercover for the New York Times are having a field day batting that one—as this bland “Scientists say” article from 2019 in fact points up: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/04/science/sonic-attack-cuba-crickets.html
Of course, it’s not the CIA alone using DEWs and neurotech on people, they work very closely with DOD and DARPA these days, from all accounts, and a whole bunch of military opsters are running stealth testing, training, esperimenting, and operating on the bodies and brains of Americans with anti-personnel DEWs and neurotech—but the CIA, ever helpful, is the one with the infinite cache of clever terms like “conspiracy theorist,” “Targeted Individual” et al which it uses Mock Op Media to then associate with “Mentally Ill” “Unreliable reporter” “Schizophrenic” and other such—thereby preventing the reports of victims from the field from being heard.
No-one at NBC, CBS, CNN, NPR, ABC, or the New York Times knows their way online, it seems, for none found their way to the Online Press Conference of 2021, revealing CIA and DOD crimes:
Online Press Conference | Oct 15, 2021 | Exposing Worldwide DEW/Neurotech Targeting & AI-Cybernetic Torture, Bio-Neuro-Trafficking, Stasi Crimes Against Humanity by Fusion Centers, Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, Sheriffs, Local Govts, Universities, Research Institutions, Local Communities, Utility Cos., & Private-Party Criminals
VIDEO LINK: https://www.bitchute.com/video/qitq13unrKhb/
Nor to any of the dozens of articles I have published on this subject at everydayconcerned.net, nor those published by others, especially CIA and FBI whistleblowers who have spoken, written, interviewed on this subject. Isn’t that curious? So-called journalists and reporters, completely unable to research the facts.
I’m sure, for instance, they’ve missed this thread marking DOD weapons testing contracts on Americans:
US and NATO Weapons Testing Thread PDF
The CIA director therefore can marvel at the “mysteriousness” of the hits on his own employees, and the neuropsychiatrists at Utah’s Southwestern Medical Center
Department of Psychiatry and Peter O'Donnell Jr. Brain Institute hosting the Feb 10 Havana Syndrome Conference can pretend this is a problem for Psychiatry, not Physics—aided and abetted by the blather published in mainstream media supporting all spygenics and spies.
Welcome to the USA!
Land of eternal confabulations, trickery, deceit and long and convoluted intellectual sleights of hand only the very DUMB’d-down and Centrally-Intel’d could dream up.
By completely disassociating from the in-house American targets of this quite-regular DEW/Neurotech use (by the CIA and DOD and DOJ), Mr. Burns and Mr. Bartholomew are perpetuating a False-Reality-Construct, and there are thousands of their cohorts benefiting from it. On the backs of the torture of Americans in America, with DEWS and Neurotech—written off as crickets—billions of dollars of taxpayer money are spent, and a whole cottage industry of stealth operators is sustained by it.
Lies from spies: apparently, an expectable dish.