“Invent2Prevent” & “Bug Bytes”: Failure of Government and Rise of Institutionalized Terrorism as DHS Ramps Up the Criminalizing of One and All (an FBI Tactic, Extended), Now Roping College Students In
The War on Terror,” many know, has just become an excuse for overt and covert State-sponsored terrorism, a subject I have been reporting on now for 8 years, going on nine, since 2013, when it landed on my doorstep, demanding closer scrutiny.
Blueleaks FBI Bulletin Surfaces COINTELPRO and Seeks to Criminalize the Illegally FBI-Targeted
Lies, Deception, False-Narratives on an Elaborate Scale to Watchlist and Terrorize Select People and Their Communities
Lies, covers, denials, refusals to reveal information coupled with badge-flashing and character-assassination in communities, tried and true (and super-scummy) COINTELPRO methodologies employed since Hoover’s time, along with false NSLs, FISA warrants and FMJ warrants obtained under false pretences, lies, lies and more lies have marked the cavortings, trapeze-acts and inversions of fact run by the FBI, DHS, CIA, and NSA in their drive to unlawfully subjugate Americans in their own communities, while camouflaging their oppressions formally on paper as noble attempts to “counter violent extremism” and quell “domestic terrorism.”
Lies have permitted the FBI to target, covertly assault (with DEWs, neurotech, noise harassment, vehicular mobbing, retail mobbing, community policing, drone and helicopter stalking), and daily and nightly persecute people of integrity, whistleblowers, activists, and journalists grotesquely as people, no, “threats” “likely to commit crimes,” including this writer, whose letters of enquiry and demand to well-shielded bureaucrats have been completely ignored, as the unlawful assaults since late 2013 continue, reported most recently here and here. (See also FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee’s extensive reportage on FBI crimes, and CIA Whistleblower Barbara Hartwell’s reportage on government crimes against whistleblowers–some of it reported here, most reported at their websites.)
Lies have now permitted the DHS to ramp up its programs of terrorism-prevention–lies in this case surrounding the Jan 6 riots which most observant analysts recognize as contrived-rioting established by infiltrators and paid agent-provocateurs, very much the MO of the FBI-CIA-DHS (and Soros/Schwartz) brigade, who can be roundly blamed for all false-flags and in-house terror events such as mass shootings and lone-wolf MK ULTRA patsy shootouts since the days of the grassy knoll and multiple shooters taking out JFK but maintaining longstanding myths of one crazed man with a gun.
Armed with lies, we now have government agencies tasked with Security and Law Enforcement pulling in millions and billions in budgeted funds eager to watchlist, terrorlist, redlist, and blacklist anyone they please–or anyone their “FBI informants” in the community: read, planted snitches of Freemasonic/Secret Society bent, linked to one of the many cartels in operation today: Pharma, Defense, Health, Security, Law Enforcement, Intelligence pleases, for malicious reasons of vendetta, punishing activism against war or against animal ab/use in cruel experiments, punishing any kind of whistleblower against corruption or crime, or retaliating against anyone who dares to write to, question, critique or ridicule a government figurehead.
“Domestic Terrorism”: Cash Cow for DHS and FBI
“Domestic Terrorism” has become a cash cow for the DHS and FBI–one they don’t want to give up, but expand every year into further extension of budget, “surveillance” aka secret torture activities, and entrenchment of terrorizing holds on local communities: all of these are acts of aggression and crime against the populace.
For this writer’s commentary on the over-reaching and abusive November 2020 bulletin from FBI and DHS citing the NDAA’s (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020) notions of “Domestic Terrorism” written to incriminate anyone with a breath who expresses empathy with animals, the unborn, the unprivileged, or the oppressed, please see here: NDAA Report, Definitions of Domestic Terrorism, Comments by Ramola D (To be further addressed in a video news report soon, please stay tuned.)
As with the FBI, so with the DHS.
Just as the FBI has now entered schoolrooms with its Don’t be a Puppet program to supposedly extinguish extremism in its inception in American classrooms, the DHS has taken to roping college students into its convoluted program lair with a new venture, Invent2Prevent, getting students to buy into the “ever present terrorism” myth by having them compete to create new and inventive programs to further criminalize, detain, and disappear their own fellow Americans and neighbors, calling it all a virtuous attempt to “stop terrorism before it starts:”
INVENT2PREVENT: A New Way to Bring War-on-Terror Targeting, Obsession, Fear, Subjugation, Repression, Indoctrination, and Brain Entrainment onto College Campuses
This week, DHS is preparing to pick a winner in a curious competition for college students, with a curious title, Invent2Prevent, designed to help them “develop and deploy dynamic projects to prevent targeted violence and extremism” and in fact sustain these programs “to continue on beyond the term.”
Invent2Prevent or perhaps more accurately Invent2Pretend2Prevent in fact is exactly what the FBI has been doing for 20 years since the unlawful Patriot Act was rolled out–legitimizing on paper a horrific assault on rights and freedoms protected under the true US Constitution and Bill of Rights, now completely trampled out of sight–and it is interesting to see this very startling phrasing used in a new DHS War-on-Terror initiative which will bring an obsession with “targeted violence and extremism” concomitant with dehumanizing training in suspecting fellow students, stalking and monitoring fellow students, targeting fellow students, harassing and persecuting fellow students, inhibiting academic freedoms of fellow students onto college campuses.
I2P Final Presentation InviteDownload
How is it possible that University Campuses–long thought of as spaces for true academic freedom, openness of intellectual enquiry, critical thinking on every subject, deep scholarship, creativity, and imagination, as indeed I too have experienced and helped build in my long career of teaching Creative Writing, English Composition, Literature at Washington DC area universities and community colleges, from 1988 as a Graduate Teaching Assistant right up to 2011 teaching Fiction and Poetry at George Washington University–are now becoming arenas for Brown Shirt Fascism of which Mussolini would be proud, and how is it possible that American Universities are permitting this to happen?
But that is indeed the case now, and it bodes ill for American freedoms–which are further being hustled out of sight as Communist tentacles of the Sustainment and Resilience Octopus of Ending Human Rights now creep into college campuses and strangle Free Speech, Free Thinking, and Free Behavior out of sight.
The excuse today is “targeted hate-based violence and mass shootings” and “Targeted hate against minority groups” as spun for instance at the McCain Institute, which essentially is running this Invent2Prevent campaign, funded by the DHS, as the Monterey Herald notes: “Funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Invent2Prevent is a national competition run by the McCain Institute for International Leadership at Arizona State University and EdVenture Partners, an organization that develops industry-education partnership programs.” (https://www.montereyherald.com/2022/01/20/middlebury-institute-moves-forward-in-national-competition/)
Violence and Extremism, Terror and Terrorism are not normal ways of life — except for the very “National Security” mechanism comprising the FBI, DHS, NSA, CIA, who are now running programs of terrorism on the American populace, replete with riotous “Antifa” and “BLM” movements, mass shooters for every occasion, and persecutory targeting of intellectuals, activists, writers, artists, whistleblowers, people of integrity in their own neighborhoods–using Parallel Construction, COINTELPRO, and Lies, as described here, from experience–who are thence disappeared as “Mentally Ill Troublemakers” when reporting these targeting crimes–making the fortressing of State terrorism and State crime against the populace complete: This is profoundly diabolical, organized State-run crime against Americans and against humanity.
These are not idle claims, nor are they the glib “anti-government rhetoric” the DHS (like the fascist bastion of tyranny it has become) seeks newly to criminalize, with its latest Terrorism Threat Bulletin dated Feb 7, 2022. For proof of these State-run crimes of Terror–which rely on the complicity and deception of Media and Medicine to remain hidden from open public discourse, please see my extensive reportage on this subject at this print site and at my video channels, see also my personal reports, FOIA requests at Muckrock, and the Online Press Conference of 15 October 2021.
Using Spectrum Weapons, a built-up Smart Grid, and numerous programs (many touting “Threat Prevention”), in conjunction with the DOD and CIA, to inflict serious harm, injury, on Americans is both criminal aggression and an act of Terrorism–and this is being done today by the very criminal DHS, FBI, and DOJ, and their many “public-private partners.” That harm is being done, physically and materially, in very provable ways, I reported on recently in a personal report exposing the malfeasance of physicians in helping cover up and hide this harm (thousands of stories from others online report this too).
Ever more reason for all Americans to wake up and help build the American States Assemblies of the on-the-land American Republic–the older, freer jurisdiction separate from US Inc, DHS, and FBI, for all State Nationals to rightfully claim their God-given rights and freedoms, as described here recently: Let Freedom Ring! Podcast 1 – American State Citizen with Ronald Carriveau, Massachusetts State Assembly
“Bug Bytes” in “Online Safety Resources for K-12 Schools and Students”: DHS Wades Into Schools Under Pretext of Protecting Schoolchildren from Targeted Violence, Radicalizing to Violence, Mental Health Vulnerabilities, Online Threats, Electronic Aggression, and Mis/Dis/Mal-Information
Just published this week as well is a one-pager from DHS outlining several programs aimed at brainwashing schoolchildren into the anti-science propaganda coming out of the pharmaceutical industry and buoyed up by government figureheads and CDC mouthpieces–whom intellectuals worldwide have now come to recognize as Pharma puppets paid-to-perform to push through a WHO-WEF One-World Agenda of Slavery and Compliance, but whom DHS now wants schoolkids to revere as “Trusted Voices.”
No truth about the dangers of masks and the imaginary aspect of viruses for instance is allowed in these propaganda pieces put out by the Ministry of Deceit here, as the bizarre graphic novel “Bug Bytes” featuring mask-obsessed twenty-year-olds, riotous 5G-tower-burners, and cyber disinformation sleuths attacking all information online connecting 5G to the “coronavirus” (which means radiation poisoning) as “disinformation from bot farms” proves.
DHS is therefore very clearly just propping up CDC-disinformation and pseudo-science here, in larger service clearly to the apparently too-powerful-to-vamoose Pharma industry giants who run the CDC and FDA revolving doors–and the WHO’s as well. Plus, it’s buoying up the Telecom industry, presenting 5G (see the Bug Bytes graphic novel) as “just the next generation of wireless technology” with no notice of its harms–or the harms of wireless–presented at all.
No, this isn’t “Homeland Security” – nor I might add is this Public Health or Anyone’s Health –this is playing handmaiden to Pharma and Telecom. And extending the propagandizing done by Media to prop up Pharma and Telecom–both of which industries are propped up on lies!
“Potential Risk Factors that may make an individual more susceptible to the radicalization to violence”
Also pernicious from the verbiage on this sheet is the wrongful linking of mental health vulnerabilities–being traced, accurately to the gigantic mess induced by the COVID non-pandemic aka world-hoax-for-shutdowns in children and teenagers forced to suffer masking, school shutdowns, endless rules, virtual school and handwashing forever–to “the radicalization to violence.”
Children are still being psychologically and mentally harmed by the horrific assault on their childhood and freedoms through these means, and as a long-time educator, mother, and science journalist I can say they are not susceptible to “radicalization to violence” as this pamphlet suggests but in crying need of return of their childhood and freedoms to prevent extended depression, misery, feelings of helplessness, impotence, apathy, despair, and fearfulness about both their present and the doom-filled future, which is precisely what all the horrible “pandemic rules and mandates” from government and “Public Health” bullies have brought to them.
MDM Information Control: Training Children to Look to “Experts” and “Trusted Voices’ for “Resilience Messaging,” not trust their own minds
Children need space, freedom, and support to live their lives and grow intellectually and socially and independently–and they sure as heck do not need the government in their classrooms, breathing down their necks and informing them what disinformation is and what information is: the whole point of education is to facilitate their own critical thinking, enquiry, analysis, and understanding, and lead each enquiring and unique mind to a clear and deeper exploration and confidence in their own intellectual faculties, growing knowledge, and unique and independent voice.
Precisely what the entire MDM-Mis Dis and Malinformation program run by CISA, yet another DHS agency named the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency, doesn’t want children learning or experiencing as their verbiage exposes.
Far from wishing to encourage children to learn, explore, examine, and analyze, this lot wishes to foist Subject Matter Experts on children, training them to consume “messaging and advertising,” while looking helplessly to “Trusted Voices” to shape their thinking for them, these being “state and local government officials, community leaders, and associations”: this is Communism, pure and simple. The (very stale, and CIA-storyline-sounding) throughline here is that “threat actors” from foreign (and domestic) sources are seeking to “undermine our democracy” and children need to be trained in “resilience” to resist their wiles.
Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools
The entire atmosphere of invoked paranoia, hypervigilance, and suspicion-of-others intended by this invasive intrusion of Homeland Security into the school system is writ large in this intended aim to “prevent violent extremism” and alert school staff to “at-risk behaviors” which point to students’ actions of, not just random but “social and psychological commitment to violence as a method for resolving a grievance.” This is just absurd.
While it is one thing to keep an eye on kids in school and call out and reprimand bullies or break up physical tussles–as in the old days–the heightened language of casting children as “extremists” and identifying “at-risk behaviors’ while seeing kids “committed to violence” is hugely disrespectful of children and the entire academic enterprise of school; it is also just very dangerous targeting, monitoring, and labeling, as the FBI high-school programs also are, preliminaries to criminalizing children as pre-criminals and “likely to commit crime”. (Rich, given who is doing this criminalizing: FBI and DHS, who are running whole programs of acting criminally against the citizenry.) Psychologists can probably analyze the inherent harms of such an approach more closely here. Suffice to say this opens the door once again to suppressing children from thinking, questioning, speaking, and acting freely and gives school staff even greater power over them: for who defines “at-risk behaviors”?
Literally, both FBI and DHS are now building databases on every single child in the school system, targeting, watching, identifying–and jumping to all the wrong conclusions, as very evident from their targeting programs on adults.
National Terrorism Advisory Bulletin, 7 Feb 2022, and New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3) to Combat “Domestic Violent Extremism”
A very busy DHS this week has also released a new Terrorism advisory bulletin, chockfull with narratives of lone wolves and conspiring groups led by foreign actors to post disinformation, make calls to violence, and plan infrastructure attacks, leading to a “heightened threat environment.”
“The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content. The convergence of violent extremist ideologies, false or misleading narratives, and conspiracy theories have and will continue to contribute to a heightened threat of violence in the United States.”
There is a lot of fear-stirring in this missive, preamble no doubt to new and contrived false-flags-to-come set up by these very maestros of deceit and propaganda whose language of lies is becoming increasingly transparent to those of us examining the train of current events with a critical eye.
The panicked stress on “false and misleading narratives” as contributive to a “heightened threat environment” is just laughable: the rise of intellectual inquiry, independent thinking, and excavation of truth and facts hand in hand with a return of yearning for freedom which has swept the USA and world in recent times in direct consequence to the decades of deceit, lies, propaganda, anti-science, anti-sanity, false and misleading narratives emanating from all agencies of the US Government and from their Media propaganda arm is being desperately decried here and miscast for further Terror-stirring.
For a little shakedown of Truth, research “false-flags” and read 9/11/2001 was a False Flag Event at I am the Face of Truth. The COVID Conspiracy and Mega Hoax is well-covered online, including at this site: COVID-19, a Dangerous Conspiracy That’s Gotten Out of Hand.
Truth, apparently, is a great source of fear–clearly projected fear–to the DHS-FBI-NSA-CIA “National Security” (read: National Terror-Stirring) establishment. A little bit of truth sweeps online, and DHS runs to declare a “heightened threat environment.”
There is also a lot of accusation of “undermining public trust in government institutions” — for which they don’t need to look far, really, since all trust-breaking has been accomplished by them. This line for instance, “DHS remains committed to working with our partners to identify and prevent all forms of terrorism and targeted violence, and to support law enforcement efforts to keep our communities safe” is a blatant lie, since it is terrorism and targeted violence which is being run every day and every night all across the USA by several military and intelligence divisions, with the help of DHS and FBI: From 2018: Welcome to the Gulag Created by Crooked Intelligence Agencies, Crooked US Military, and Crooked Fusion Centers.
The formation in May therefore of yet another new center to combat terror, the New Center for Prevention Programs and Partnerships (CP3), reads as further extension of DHS’ budget and activities in illegally targeting people, as the FBI specializes in, and as they facilitate. This is the running of Terror, not the prevention of Terror.
Please see for instance, my many FOIA requests to DHS (at Muckrock), reporting and questioning the nonstop pounding of SUVs, sedans, pickups, and vans down our street (in Massachusetts) for years, along with nonstop drone, small plane, and helicopter action over my home, and the zooming in and parking of said pounder-vehicles in neighbors’ driveways at all hours of the day and night: their response was all bland, one-line “no responsive documents” and no concern about this targeted violence and terrorism on my street. Do not forget that I am also reporting the unlawful use of Spectrum weapons on my person, a clear act of terrorism, sanctioned and set in place by the DHS and FBI–while DOD and CIA are also very clearly involved.
Even without looking at their budgets–a subject for another article–it is clear that DHS is busy creating the infrastructure and propaganda, now also in schools and colleges, to increase their targeting activities and subject more and more people–and children and teenagers–to their “surveillance” covers of intrusive bio-hacking weapons operation, while laying the groundwork to openly criminalize children and college students.
Such extreme behavior, in my view, is Writing on the Wall: It is surely time to exit the false jurisdiction of the US Inc corporation which DHS and FBI prop up and return to the true American jurisdiction of being on the land, as a living man or woman, as an American and State National returning to sovereignty, common law, and sanity via basic “Do No Harm” law, as opposed to the “Live in Terror, Expect Terror, Flail in Terror, Believe in Terror” treatises of DHS and FBI.
Let Freedom Ring! Podcast 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/cQEbo3wcoMjO/
Go Ramola! xx
Thank you for your research/journalism. A Military Industrial complex has supplied jobs to millions, but to endure the effects of this industry, know it survives on perpetuating hate. Our country wants us divided and angry at each other, and lastly, in fear of any culture we don’t understand. I’m interested in an upbringing, of a new era, learn one another become an enlightened, uplifting, and educated while enhancing other human beings. The massive changes that could be done in this country is lost on an “idea” founded by men who want control. I silence no man without his/her words I don’t know how you have honored this country. I know knowledge isn’t a carrot to be dangled in front of you. It’s a gift given to anyone who wishes to learn.