Joshua Ferris, Caught Stealing Media POPPCon: Psy Op Propaganda Pieces to Con Everyone (Unawake to the Horrors of Lie-Making Non-Journalism, CIA-Infused, That is)
No, You Can't Invert Truth For a Lie
Brief Note | Ramola D | August 2, 2024
Now I don't know who Joshua Ferris is, but I did read a so-called book review this morning from the so-called New York Times (a once-newspaper which has fallen into a hole of lie-making with much fervor, much as is the wont of all the newspapers currently and still publishing while held still in the grip of Communist Government Propaganda-making), a May 2024 review, delivered on a very Pepto Bismol pink cover, perhaps to help us all digest the indigestible, of a book by a "Justin Taylor" also a writer, I learn, perusing this Pepto review.
Whose freakish stealing of "Media POPPCon" instantly caught my eye. Now, how clever can the CIA be? I hear--no, I am Learning, only just Learning--that the CIA runs all Media, is all Media, subsumes, consumes, is immersed deep, neck-deep, thigh-deep, chest-deep in all Media--what we all used to call Media once upon a time that is, before some of us Woke right up and recognized what the heck was going on.
And then to see this, a Ferris wheeling into view, stealing my very clear signpost to Murder and Mayhem, what so-called Media have been pulling off now for ages, certainly since 9/11 but definitely before, for decades as well: a Gigantic Lie-Construct, a False-Reality-Construct, a wicked wicked Lie to hide their massive Tarpaulin Cover over Crime, the Human-Assault Crime of the Covered that is, the Forces and the Newsters, the Secret Thriller-Writers on hot beaches in the Caribbean and Brazil, the CIA, in other words, US Inc. at its startling, Secret, Literary best (are they really? But how would you know?) (Never mind, they hide and hide but they, They are the Ones who Write); the very wicked lie that Laura Yan of the Wired played into, that Neil Steinberg of the Chicago Sun-Times pushed forth mightily, that Mike McPhate of the New York Times helped entrench, that Scott Pelley and Ann Silvio of CBS's 60 Minutes swam about in, and so many more, the Lie that Harms, the Lie that Kills, the Lie that Permits all manner of modern mayhem and, essentially Murder, radio-Murder, the Lie of the "Targeted Individual" being a category of the Mentally Ill, the lie, Extended, of mass shootings in an Amerika fallen into "post 9/11 decline" as if on an oasis, an island, a coral atoll afloat in a sea of incomprehension, the Lie that such mass shootings can even Exist in this Age of Electronic Warfare, Neuro Warfare, Frequency Warfare, Information Warfare and extended, invasive, intrusive, violative Surveillance we find ourselves snagged in, the Lie that covers up the Human-Sacrifice thinking of unethical and unlawful and unacceptable human experimentation, biomedical experimentation, weapons-testing of so-called Non Lethal Weapons, of Directed Energy Weapons, of precision hits and wideband radar, of pulse-wave and continuous-wave, of unlawful implants, "RFIDs" and "medical devices," of LRADs and RNM used from right next door.
Censorship, Lies, Deception: WIRED Removes Writer’s Comment Exposing DOD/CIA Crimes at Laura Yan’s POPPCon (Psy Op Propaganda Piece) for the Deep State | March 7, 2018
Failure-To-Report-Crime & False-Reality-Construct | #Media POPPCon | 60 Minutes/CBS/Sep 1, 2019: “Targeted Americans: Brain trauma suffered by U.S. diplomats abroad could be work of hostile foreign government” | September 4, 2019
Failure-To-Report-Crime | The Chicago Sun-Times Debacle: Neil Steinberg, Ella Free, David LaPorte, Ph.D, and the Ruthless Tearing-Down of All Reporting Unethical US Mil/Intel/Medical Experiments and Political Persecution Operations with Neuro/Bio/Energy Weapons as Delusional, Paranoid Schizophrenics Enjoying a “Mass Delusion” | September 10, 2019
United States of PsyOps: Call Them Paranoid. Call Them Delusional." | June 13, 2016
Cover-Stories on DEWS from Russia while US Govt batters Americans in USA with DEWs, Neurotech from Celltowers, Drones, Planes, Satellites, Neighbors, Portable Devices on a Daily Basis | May 10, 2021

So when this Joshua Ferris--whom I do not know, do not read, do not recognize or cognize--says "It's so much it's own thing by now that we might call it by a new name: PopCon" and refers in fact to this Lie-Made CIA-Constructed notion of "today's conspiracy theories," the very construct being used to hide Truth, Fact, Logic, and True Science, True Tech, not to mention Military Tech, MilTech, in fact the fulcrum on which this Lie pivots, uselessly, bestially, no, Joshua Ferris, you may Not! PopCon is POPPCon and yours appears to be one! You are swimming deep in Cognitive Warfare with the sharks who Circle, endlessly on and on around the sadly singled-out, the ones they'd rather Bury than drop and run fast away from, you are out of your depth, Retreat!
Obviously, what I mean is, it's clear this Joshua Ferris--wildly "successful" with the Lie-Making crowd, created, pushed, pulled, promoted by them--is taking a stab at stealing POPPCon--how could it not be, how could it not, it's Psy Op Propaganda we are speaking of, it's Their Construct, the #MockOp's Con, stunningly inverted now? No, marvellously made for, the Gen Z CIA (with their flashing grey eyes and long Khazarian beards--red, mind, not ginger please!) flailing about in basements between their RNM flicker-hitters and their cyberhacking crimes and their covens of desperate Writers desperate to be Known (if only if only!) (If only I'd started somewhere else and not a CIA coven of crime!) aiming with swords to slash at the Truth and reinforce the Lie, tear down the facts and re-insinuate the Lie, the Lie, the Lie of their own, very own making.
In other words, yes, I do suspect the #MockOp world of fabulously brilliant spies all so very keen on Becoming the fabulously brilliant Writers they want to Be have come directly after my little term here, and its inner train of connotations, and sought to invert it for their own re-use in some kind of deliberate quest to tear down the massive Truth being revealed here.
The Ferris I fear is a pawn in this sad and rather insistently crude enterprise--which concocts horrors like "TBI" and "Havana Banana" and "TI TI" and "She needs a schizophrenic diagnosis before we can drag her out of the house" (to get one)--spearheaded by the very Secret CIA and their minions in backrooms and basements and sheds--but he Might be one of them!
I don't know, I really don't know. It's all so very hard to tell, for that Lie-Undone crowd: do they know sometimes if they're standing or sitting, coming or going?
I won't further address myself to either Joshua or Justin, whose book with its unhappy title (evocative of much) has fallen by the wayside here. But they're messing with our Perception, our Seeing, our Thinking, our Clearly Knowing--that's why they call it Cognitive War, and that's why they think--having put themselves in the driver's seat of Essential Perception--they're right and we're wrong, the Lie can win and the Truth can only die. No. No. Life doesn't work that way! It doesn't!
What works, will work, and will continue to work is this: Those who go around Inverting reality and trying to invert reality and in fact engaging only in further ongoing crime are going to be Outed. They will have to cease and desist. They will have to remake themselves. The World doesn't move forward, fuelled by Lies.
Some novelists may have to wake up to that fact Cold Turkey.
And let me leave it there for now.
Dear Ramola, are you aware of targeted Justice and their lawsuit currently in the hands of the US Supreme Court ? .. if not... look them up right here on this platform. today came across and old document u prepared with someone from spain blessing it... i know her :)