The Larger Crime: Behind the Kidnapping & Capture of an American Journalist and Author in Quincy, Massachusetts: What It's Really Brought To Light
Part IV: Bricks and Mortar of the Matrix Here
In the first year, late 2013-2014, of my unlawfully being targeted and hit in Quincy, Massachusetts and nearby towns with the here-disclosed technologies of bio-hacking which both police, military and intelligence are now using freely all over the captured USA (& world) yet continuing to try to hide (as I've reported often), an early book I read which helped awaken me to the true state of affairs in America was “The Hidden Evil” by Mark Rich, which has the subtitle “The Financial Elite’s Covert War Against the Civilian Population.”
This was where I first learned about the entire substructure of enormously wealthy individuals, clubs, frat boys, cigar smokers and secret societies—Club of Rome, Trilateralists, Bilderbergers, CFR, Freemasons, Federal Reserve et al--who are essentially running governments and agencies but keeping a low profile in public except euphemistically as humanitarians and philanthropists while they roll out their fascist New World Order, taking care to stamp out independent thinkers and critical questioners along the way.
Eustace Mullins, student of poet, broadcaster, and activist Ezra Pound who opposed the forming of the Federal Reserve and was locked up for 12 years in a Psych Ward, has been spilling the beans in numerous books and interviews, particularly his book informed by Pound, The Secrets of the Federal Reserve:
For minion and method of operation, they use the private corporations they own and contract with, for sanction and permission to troll the streets (and skies and waterways) at jolting speed with the myriad vehicles they deploy as speed-and-sound-weapons they twist the arms of local city and state governments (FBI? small-plane drove overhead at this moment as I sat outside writing-June 8),
for plausible deniability and cover they use everyday operations such as carrier services, delivery services, transportation services, utility work et al, for agency and police cover and classification they use the ABCs and city/county/state police and sheriffs, for medical fraud they use ER Doctors, Nurses, EMS workers, and psychiatrists (as I learned personally myself this April, as disclosed here),
Carney Hospital, Dorchester, Boston, where the author—a journalist exposing Mil/Intel/LE/Fusion Center crimes against humanity—was unlawfully incarcerated for 6 days on an unlawful “Section 12 Psych Hold” engineered by Quincy Police Department & the Commonwealth Fusion Center and their bosses, & complicitly enforced by ER Doctors, Nurses, Psychiatric Nurses & Psychiatrists—in massive medical fraud to be further disclosed here
for intimidation and threat they use COINTELPRO, amplified: it's a grand syndicate of greed, mutual back-scratching, bribery and business, an in-built Cover Op with an Octopus of arms—inclusive of Covert Ops: drug trafficking, arms trafficking, sex trafficking, pedophilia, pedosadism, SRA, child trafficking, MK ULTRA patsy-and-shooter-making, psychic-spy-making, bio-hacking and neuro-hacking weaponologies (the new mega-billion-dollar industries now relabeled “community health and safety” “deterrence” “pre-crime” and psych-patient-making), neuro spying and nano spying for brain thieving--holding it together.
Satanism as Military & “National Security” Religion via the Temple of Set and Legalized Solicitation of Demons, courtesy NSA top hat General and US Army Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Aquino, author of Mind War and related Psy Ops to destroy America, implicated in the Presidio and Franklin Satanic child abuse cases and cover-ups
Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan, which Michael Aquino was part of before his split to create his own fan club for demons, and an arms-runner
Aquino-NSA Devil Worshiper Long Range Takeover & Satellite Microwave Mind Control
CIA’s Human Experiments with Mind Control: Project MK ULTRA
It's the understructure a hundred investigative journalists and whistleblowers have exposed across decades: Gary Webb, Doug Valentine, Alex Constantine, Jim Keith, Jim Marr, Texe Marr, Anthony Sutton, Fletcher Prouty, Dan Estulin, John Marks, Colin Ross, Eileen Welsom, Eustace Mullins, Ezra Pound, Louis McFadden, Gen Smedley Butler, Jim Traficant (and many more).
It's very spidery and reaches everywhere, it's defined by hubris and presumes invincibility, it's ruthless and practices physical harm.
As pretty much every one targeted by this amoral behemoth now knows.
”On March 26, 1922, the Mayor of New York City, John F. Hylan said: “The real menace of our republic is the Invisible Government which, like a giant octopus, sprawls its slimy length over our city, state, and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as ‘international bankers’. This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends.”
…they disguise themselves and their intentions by creating groups which profess only the most innocent objectives. In this manner they masquerade as humanitarians. They frequently lie to accomplish their objectives. They often use the National Security Act to justify their destructive deeds and to provide cover when they get caught. —Mark Rich, The Hidden Evil
Dry as Dust But How They’re Repressing Populations: Transformations and Revolutions in Military Affairs—Military Intelligence and Microwave Weapons
I also read (and do recommend) Mark Rich’s quite superior book New World War, which extends this information, introduces “non-lethal weapons,” and reveals the military and intelligence backdrop to the carnage, indeed the arbiters of same, in whose clandestine circles (touting “Revolutions in Military Affairs”) reside the most recalcitrant of the so-called scientists given over to practicing sadism and satanism, interchangeably, on the bodies of Americans they most want to destroy.
Through-line of Biohacking: Nazi Doctors, Cheka Police, to “Havana Syndrome” & Today’s Terror Experiments & Ops
Pursuing the occult and pushing the limits of bio-hacking apparently went hand in hand in the Nazi cauldrons of camps where the electromagnetic spectrum was first exploited to weaponized effect, as Russian human rights activists describe:
Powerful Psychopaths Now Aligned with the Security & Surveillance State
While reading Mark Rich’s books I was also reading Renee Pittman Mitchell's books, You Are Not My Big Brother, Covert Technological Murder and later Remote Brain Targeting. Then Dr. Nick Begich's books (See Earthpulse Press). Then Dr. Robert Duncan's books. Then John Marks', Alex Constantine's. Then Anthony Sutton's, Jim Marrs, Jim Keith's. And so on. Gloria Naylor's, Dr. Rauni Kilde's, Dr. John Hall's, Tyrone Dew's, etc. Many others, too long to list here.
I'm still reading, and will write my own books soon but for now I'll recommend Dr. Robert Duncan's enormously revealing The Matrix Deciphered.
Dr. Robert Duncan on Invasive Neurotech, True Neuroethics-Panel 2, March 12, 2021
Robert Duncan, who both studied with the so-called elite at Harvard and worked with DOD/CIA on some of the very cognitive/neuro technologies now being reported as leveled against them by thousands in America and the world, takes the “long” or insider's view and believes there is no holding back the steady march onward of technology which indeed he seems to welcome (although he deplores harmful experiments), as a transhumanist glad to anticipate the merger of man and machine now being run by classified experimenters using up lives by subjecting them to extreme harm: trauma-based assault on the nervous system on a 24/7 basis to reveal the workings of neural networks, using Spectrum technologies to physically cause harm and egregiously invade brains.
Aware of what is transpiring, and how military technology has become a runaway train he believes no-one can stop, he seeks yet to infuse a note of ethicality and conscience into this landscape.
“My research interests have been neural networks, virtual reality, and EEG controlled robotics. Before graduate school I worked for the Department of Defense, Navy, NATO, and various intelligence agencies‟ computer science projects. I have done business consulting and computer consulting for the largest companies in the world....My goal is to awaken Americans to the continued horrific acts of military and CIA weapons testers in this country and the other branches of government's inability to stop them and hold them accountable.”—Robert Duncan, The Matrix Deciphered, Preface
Brain Nets, Cerebral Internets, Hive Minds are not mere speculation, they have been set up already with many on them, both volunteer-spies inside the private-sector-national-security-crime-syndicate and the genius targets of their brain-thieving activities, whose brains, neural networks, thinking pathways these hubristic fiends want desperately to exploit and harvest for their own Dr. Evil uses. See my interviews at Odysee with numerous victims for further insight into this state of affairs currently.
Media has been deployed to throw everyone off their scent and keep their invasions (into bodies and brains) secret. All by design. Long design!
“By now you probably already know why you haven’t heard of The Hidden Evil, or the impending socialist dictatorship in the news. The people who are installing it control the media. “Rockefeller’s gang’s plans for monopolistic World Government,” observed Allen, “are never, but never discussed in the machines of mass misinformation.” — The Hidden Evil, Mark Rich, p 31
Today, a thousand investigators online are spilling their secrets. See especially Janet Ossebard's Fall of the Cabal, Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal series, see Atiyan Child's narrative on Freemasonry in Hollywood and everywhere, Anna von Reitz's many articles, AFI Michael McKibben's and AIM Douglas and Tyla Gabriel's work, State of the Nation's articles, Frances Leader's work, Dean Henderson's books & talks.
The chaos in the world is pre-planned and rolled out. The “system” is extensive and they want you in it—if not as partaker and minion, brainwashed and gagged, fully compliant, as target, slave, or psych patient, with no latitude, no rights, no “mental competence.” The “Yellow Gulag” of repressive psychiatry is no longer a purely Soviet concoction, it's here now, in Corporate-Communist US Inc., and the globalist oligarchs pursuing tyranny like toilet paper in a storm have their claws all over it.
Depts of Mental Health—and Depts of Public Health—have become a part of this crime-creation now. Outside the norm? A little too vibrant, dynamic, active, intelligent, thoughtful, questioning, critical, compassionate? Get ready for false-claims, set-ups, entrapments, kidnappings, forced removal to complicit hospitals! Too outspoken? Fascinated with truth-telling? Buckle up for the Brewster now! Tendency to inform the public what's what and who's who in this melange of repression currently still called a “democracy”! Watch out, we're unleashing Tim O'Brien! (A Special Appearance.)
Brewster Ambulance Services Contract with City of Quincy to Cart Off Journalists the Commonwealth is Desperate to Shut Down, No Questions Asked
Part V: Paper Trails and Weapon Crumbs to follow next in this ongoing series.
Please see Part I: A Few Facts here, Part II: The Backdrop here, Part III: Dark Realities in a Conquered-by-Communism USA here.
Thank you Ramola D for your courage and determination to speak out and live the truth. I discovered you through my following Dr Robert Young and Dr Ariyana Love - whom you have given insightful interviews - BTW - I lived in Quincy back in the day - so can relate to you on the level of a neighbor - the denial of the nano-tech - graphene - trans-humanism agenda by Big Pharma / MSM needs to get exposed - which you are doing.