I think that all that talk about "the law" is just empty demagoguery by the corrupt media and corrupt courts. All those amendments, "threatened" changes of the "laws," etc. There is no difference because whenever those criminals want, they - the courts themselves - simply disregard the law, misapply it, lie about it, and pervert the facts and procedure. All that "law" is just one endless lie because it is almost never applied truthfully, impartially, and honestly.

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Hi, Ramola,

Sorry for off topic -

Do you know of a video editing tool that does NOT censor? I literally tried at least a dozen, and all "disallow" me to use their services/tools/editors.

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I was fired up by the recent spate of rhetoric including the phrase "rule of law" and mused to myself that maybe we have not been educated to know what that phrase really means. I looked into it a bit... here is what I found:


Upshot is:

We are enslaved by a modern law corporation which has its roots in Crusader Catholicism and the Templars based in the City of London.

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