it's akin to the Weather "Forecasting" Act that was fast tracked as an end around circumventing from Rosalind Peterson's anti geo language back in 2016/17.

If such tech is promoted to protect us from extreme weather, they sure are doing an awful job of it > of course it's obvious the tech, although promoted as a benefit (which it most certainly can be) is being used for nefarious purposes.

Unfortunately most unable to research past msm propaganda & or refuse to admit Humanity in general is being systematically targeted > combined with the narrative that once informed of proven most concerning narratives, it then tends to illicit projection from the CNN Norm's & Karen's who become defensive as they don't wish to carry the burden of being proactive in effectively addressing these issues.

Tech clearly being used to suppress while promoted & sold to us as beneficial.

Free Assange!

Free ALL!

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This is all a dedicated program of action to enforce population control through the illegal & inhumane use of military grade weapons systems & electronic frequency equipment.

They targeted me in 2019 ... I was kidnapped from my car, held in a disused building overnight where I was stripped naked, tortured, degraded & humiliated for over 8 hours, before being then driven to a hospital 30 miles away & illegally sectioned for 3 weeks.

I was gang raped there , tied to a table spreadeagled & vaginally mutilated, before being injected between my toes straight into my nervous system. I have a blood sample of what they injected! Its a real eye opener to what is going on now worldwide Ramola.

There are private organisations operating in the US & the UK which are government backed (in fact they have more power than the governments!), run by ex police, intel services & military that are employing the services of still serving members of those same organisations, plus others, to terrorise & manipulate people. I have been investigating them for five years... I have so much evidence.

See my page ... I have just started publishing on Substack.

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Great to see an article from you at last! I watched this News Report on Bitchute but could not comment there because I cannot access my account atm.


Missing our chats, Ramola! xx

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