Thank you for this excellent piece. God bless you and keep you safe.

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Ramola - Have you heard anything of former fbi special agent GERAL SOSBEE ?

No living sign since May 24, 2024 :(


Geral made sure to credit your work frequently:


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There's a lot here to take in...best regards to you all.


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So, what do you think happened with Rashid Ali Buttar vs. others who appear still very much Alive and continually spreading what we are told they can 'afford' to plan. Seems we are getting to the point of no return. AI is taking over much of the old World of what Humans used to have control over. Who is really overseeing and controlling AI etc.

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Sep 26·edited Sep 26

https://www.bitchute.com/video/8d3U1Y50TTQL/?list=notifications&randomize=false CELL TOWERS ATTACKING CIVILIANS ACCORDING TO REPORTS

I question the narrators advice to place your hand where it hurts and your hand will start vibrating? Strange bodily vibrations are what happens after a DEW attack but there is no need to place your hand where it hurts to ascertain this in my experience.They are promoting the book “Transhuman Genocide” the ultimate guide to directed energy weapons.”

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I never trust anybody who tells you not to shield. I trust Ron. I don't agree with everything he says. But I cut him a lot of slack. I've been shielding a lot longer than he has. My shielding is so good I forget I'm a targeted individual. I'm reading his book now looking for more insight that I can use.

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"Black Ops Never Die, but Opster Scientists Do?" > I would also add > Opster Faux Humanitarian's who've suddenly "died" without any verifiable proof > no next of Kin statement, never a word on Services to be held or even where donations can be sent, public records/death cert, etc > testimony / track record magically erased > go fig. #OpStopPsyop🛑 in this the biggest larping wealth transfer in History

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