The Larger Crime: Behind the Kidnapping & Capture of an American Journalist and Author in Quincy, Massachusetts: What It's Really Brought To Light
Part I: A Few Facts
I’ve thought a great deal about all the many aspects behind the unlawful “Psych Hold” run on me in April by what I suspect is quite a large crew of miscreants in Massachusetts and Washington, DC—and probably beyond—behind the obvious perpetrators in the Quincy Police Department, Commonwealth Fusion Center, Carney Hospital, Dorchester, staff from Brewster EMS Ambulance Services, and planted “Agent Provocateur Informants” in the once-halcyon but currently-Communist Pine Street neighborhood where I live — with intent of course to write about it, and I think the best way to tackle this sprawl is to select a few very relevant aspects and focus each time on each.
This will be a multi-part series therefore, and it seems apposite to start here:
My intent in this opening piece is merely to list the many interviews and panels I’ve done lately to address in gist what happened on April 14, 2022, and what transpired from April 14 to April 19, 2022.
On that date, Quincy Police rushed to capture a very outspoken journalist who has been diligently revealing the (most horrific) crimes of fusion centers — code word for sanctioned terror by uniformed gendarmerie and their mercenary contractors — in the USA, UK, and elsewhere for nearly 9 years now, supposedly on grounds of a “neighbor’s complaint" which falls to pieces when you examine it and delve into what this was really about.
(And those of us at the forefront of exposing the gross human rights violations and truly execrable crimes being conducted by corporate personas cowering behind razzle-dazzle names like “Homeland Security” and “State Police” and “FBI” and “CIA’ and “DIA” and “US Army” and “US Navy” and “US Air Force” and “NSA” and “Intelligence Community” yet who behave like garden-variety criminals know exactly what this is really about.)
But I’ll take it apart step by step.
In these interviews, I’ve spoken about various aspects of this experience of being attacked, intimidated, falsely-arrested, kidnapped, and trafficked (into the privateering and profiteering medical-insurance edifice in Massachusetts via Carney Hospital, Dorchester) by over-reaching and abusive Quincy Police officers; each time I’ve revealed a little more of the entire experience (but my Affidavit of Fact will reveal it all shortly).
The Truth Ambassadors: May 6, 2022, with Noel Wu, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Ginny Miller, and Ramola D
The latest to be published, a Truth Panel hosted by Noel Wu and Dr. Robert Young titled the Truth Ambassadors, covered communications made by ER doctors over the phone revealing their collusion, complicity, and true intent as well as the larger issue of jurisdiction (Land over Sea), which I believe was instrumental in ending the hold Carney Hospital was unlawfully maintaining on me, well beyond the statutory 72-hours decreed by the very bogus “Section 12” of Massachusetts Code used wrongfully to execute the entire Capture and Captivity in conditions akin to all acknowledged international and human rights law definitions of Incarceration and Torture.
(Last I heard, Incarceration and Torture are not Physical or Mental Health Care, but this is what they’re getting away with in Massachusetts, using the Insurance code words of “Mental Health Evaluation” or “Behavioral Health” to cover the crimes of unlawful imprisonment and unlawful torture. In fact, I’ve just received, on May 14, 2022, a very deceptive communication from our health insurance company, unlawfully and manipulatively backdated to April 15, 2022, claiming 6 sessions/days of “Inpatient Health Care” via a “Behavioral Health Plan Benefit” for the 6 days of unlawful Capture and Captivity, April 14-19, as if it were all a planned “health benefit,” and this AFTER I had called and explained to them in entirety what had occurred and why they should not be covering (paying for) any aspect of this travesty which needed to be paid by Carney Hospital and Quincy Police—clearly YET ONE MORE criminal aspect of this unlawful operation I need to further address.)
The Truth Ambassadors: May 6, 2022, with Noel Wu, Dr. Robert Young, Dr. Mark Sherwood, Ginny Miller, and Ramola D
Interview with Ginny Miller of New Vibrant You, May 5, 2022: Ramola D shares her story of Psych Hold trauma to Self Empowered triumph! Ginny interviews Ramola after her ordeal.

Ginny Miller of New Vibrant You’s interview with me broke the story of ER Doctor complicity at Carney Hospital—and looked rather closely at the whole phenomenon of energetic activation of change through spiritual practice.
Ginny also was a concerned interviewer who asked more about these Spectrum Technologies, which are being used in communities today and inducing disease and health damages of every kind — but which only those being overtly targeted know truly enough about, while the weapon-wielders are paid to destroy and are running these unethical operations with impunity: a subject with vast implications for everyone in the world, including in relation to “Covid” and all putative pandemics—symptoms of which can be induced by pulsed EMF radiation.
Interview with Richie Allen, UK—The Richie Allen Show Thursday May 5th 2022 — Richie is joined by Ramola D.
The Richie Allen interview looked at many preceding and contextual aspects of the abusive Ambush and Capture run by Quincy Police on the false-claim of “filming her kids” by an aggressive and nasty woman neighbor who is fully engaged in the fusion-center-criminality operative today in US neighborhoods where police, security, intelligence, and military factions and their 3rd- and 4th-party contractors are deploying dangerous bio-hacking electromagnetic technologies and neighborhood abuse operations to repress, marginalize, disappear, and slow-kill dynamic, creative, community-minded, questioning people in communities —as also in the UK and elsewhere, a NWO operation ultimately—again, subjects I will write about in depth here soon.
I also covered further disclosures from ER personnel showing awareness of police criminality—Yes, (some) people in ERs all across the USA and UK and Europe know perfectly well how people are being mauled to death in their own neighborhoods with EMF/Neurotechnologies today, then dragged into ERs and Psych Wards as “paranoid delusional schizophrenics” just as if this were the communist Soviet Union: I’ll cover this in detail here soon.
Interview with Dr. Robert Young: What Happened to Investigative Journalist Ramola D and Research Scientist Dr. Robert O. Young?/Odysee | May 4, 2022 | Also at Rumble | At all Ramola D Reports channels now too
Dr. Robert Young interviews Ramola D | Nothing Can Stop The Truth | Bitchute
One of the subjects I covered in this interview with Dr. Young—where he also shared his own experience of unlawful incarceration for the great gift, not crime, of being a successful healer using naturopathic methodologies—was the use of shielding of different kinds, organite and metallic, to deflect EMF weapons-hits, in relation to the shielding bits and pieces I had on my physical person (inside my clothing) when I was captured by Quincy Police from my home, with no time to remove them and which I later handed over to the Psych Ward nurses when they sought to do a “skin check”—but which most definitely is not a sign of “paranoid schizophrenia” as most conventional and mainstream low-level psychiatric professionals are trained to believe, certainly based on my own research and on-the-job training from my experience as a freelance investigative journalist—working closely with psychiatrists— and later staff writer for the Schizophrenia Research Foundation in India as it was just getting started, in the late ‘80s in India.
(While it seems today that a lot of non-schizophrenic people are being wrongfully diagnosed with schizophrenia—many who are being hit with Neuro/DEW Tech instead—I learned a great deal during that time period of what really those who suffer from that diagnosis go through and evidence. Attachments to objects is one of those aspects—but I have no attachment to any objects I use for EMF-shielding when needed. And I’ve certainly needed EMF shielding in my own home in Quincy, Massachusetts — as also in many other locations, as I have written about — as pretty much anyone being hit worldwide also reports. And as a writer and journalist, I have been hit EXTREMELY with this tech on occasion, which has made using EMF shielding a matter for survival, not choice. My personal reports and letters at my website record some of this carnage. And yes, Massachusetts Fusion Center knows all about it — this state has become a Communist stronghold run by men with guns, not brains—and certainly not hearts.)
Interview with Frank Allen of Targeted Massachusetts along with Lorraine Valente, Psychologist, April 29, 2022/Live Radio on TM Broadcasting
A very candid conversation about neighborhood abuse camouflaged on paper as righteous Neighborhood Watch and Citizen Watch to prevent crime but which plays out as gross and sickening social and psychological abuse, hostility, and harassment, including excessive and intensive noise harassment with power equipment and large trucks, while targets of such “community monitoring” and “community policing” are stealth-hit with EMF Spectrum technologies and neurotechnologies and character-assassinated publicly and privately on fabricated allegations and smear campaigns.
Precisely the situation I experienced with the woman who played Public Bully and Abuser to publicly declare her false-claims and accusations on April 12, which led to my private notice to the neighborhood on April 13, and Quincy Police Ambush-and-Capture by her cronies in QPD on April 14, 2022.
We also spoke at length about the wrongful Psych Hold being used against many, to shut down all public awareness of the secretive DOD/DOJ Neuro/DEW Tech being used on people today, and Lorraine, a psychologist, shared her own experience of being similarly attacked.
TM Broadcasting Presents! Ramola D and Lorraine Valente 2022 04 30
Interview with Eric Gajewski of Trad Cat Knight, April 26, 2022/Livestream, Member Subscription (sadly, paywall): Sign up here for access/Or Click here: NEW! SPECIAL GUEST PODCAST: APRIL 26: RAMOLA D, “TAKEN AWAY TO PSYCH WARD, W.H.O. IS A PHARMA ORGANIZATION & GLOBAL PANDEMIC TREATY
A comprehensive interview covering many aspects of Neighborhood Watch abuse and harassment, smear campaigns, and co-opted and complicit neighbors as well as the technologies used against people in their own neighborhoods, and the whole saga of the unlawful Psych Hold which I promise QPD and Carney Hospital and the Commonwealth Fusion Center—and all their sponsors—will never forget.
Chris Haskell Interview, April 24, 2022: “Ramola D The Incredible Independent Journalist Released from the Pen!”
A very candid conversation with the very famous Chris Haskell of Real Tucson News and Sign Avenger fame who has fought to make the public aware of the great harms of chem trails and geoengineering in Tucson and nationwide, where he sought to share more on my background and growing up in India as well as my work in teaching and journalism which backgrounds the horrific Psych Hold Ambush-and-Capture run by Quincy Police on a well-known and well-loved writer, poet, and teacher being wilfully and wrongfully miscast by the uneducated, criminal, and Mafiosi police faction in Massachusetts—clearly getting kickbacks from the Military and Intelligence communities preying on Americans in numerous “Black Ops” energy-weapons-testing, weapons-demo, and brain-theft operations sustained by Fusion Centers, which they permit, sanction, promote, and protect—as all manner of unsavoriness, including, as the woman across the street sought desperately to establish, for this benighted turned-Communist neighborhood: “a filmer of children who posts their pics and videos on Facebook” (as quoted by an EMS nurse at Carney Hospital ER, April 14, 2022—mis-informed by who? EMS Brewster Ambulance staff, mis-informed by Quincy Police, mis-informed by the Smear-Opster in the neighborhood—that’s the Train of Smears that leads to massive Rumor-Spreading, all over Quincy, Carney, Dorchester, and Boston apparently). (Oh yes, I have a Lot More to say on this subject and I don’t plan to stop anytime soon.)
Very clearly, the police, EMS, and ER medicos and Security staff, as well as the prison ward staff on the Psych Wing, along with the loony neighbor who began this story — demonstrated to me how they set up slander and character-ruining operations, how they run it, and how they think they can run with these tactics forever: Why? Because this lot needs Targets, Patients, and Criminals for their paychecks. Manufactured Target Creation apparently a major role in their daily lives of lies.
Celeste Solum Interview, April 21, 2022: Locked up with Ramola D–Journalism, DEWs, No-Consent, Heart
I have written at length on the wonderful Celeste Solum interview, first since being “discharged” from what I’ve candidly alluded to as Nuthouse-Demon-Central (Psych Ward & ER at Carney Hospital, Dorchester), where no doubt there are some great people with great minds and hearts (but I met very few of them).
Microwave Weapons apparently need a lot more Public Relations to assure the world they exist—something people like the obvious operatives at QPD like Tim O’ Brien (on whom I will write reams shortly) who told me during the Ambush-and-Capture he orchestrated that he was “signing me off” as “paranoid delusional” for having mentioned them, are banking on, for this is part of the very sleazy police operation to sheathe their own use of EMF Tech on people by shutting down all reporters of such Tech as delusional, a phenomenon of abusive, repressive Mental Health Fraud I have been interviewing, investigating, and reporting on for ages—and I rather think I’ve done my part in showcasing them. (Please see the extensive reportage at my media site,
Celeste’s interview was also where I most spoke about energy practices as power transformers, as also in Ginny Miller’s interview.
A Few Resources of Note
For those keen to follow and report on this story, please also see the following:
FOIA Requests at Muckrock under the name “Ramola Dharmaraj”
Notification to Quincy Police Department on False Claim Behind Wrongful Section 12 Psych Hold of !4-19 April, 2022/ID Info Removed: PDF Posted Here, Sent Online By Contact Page Email to Chief Paul Keenan, QPD, May 2, 2022
Letter from Jack Christiana to friends, April 20, 2022: Jack Christiana Letter re. Ramola Hold/PDF
The Larger Crime
Yes, I do think this assault on my name, body, and life—as a journalist exposing these crimes for 9 years—is very connected to the much larger crime of incredible Remote Access Assault-and-Battery operations with EMF/Neurotech along with Stasi Neighborhood/Community Abuse Ops being run by all governments on their populations, worldwide, as part and parcel of the New World Order Communist destruction and repression of peoples—and exposes it.
Please stay tuned for Part 2: The Backdrop, to be posted soon.
And please share this widely!
Ramola D you are an amazing being who truly cares and loves people enough that you put your life on the line for the sake of releasing the truth about these evil and corrupt people operating their horrible crimes upon innocent people on a regular basis all across America! All those who know Ramola D. know exactly why these corrupt individuals kidnapped, man-handled and transported her to a "Mental Facility" where they illegally detained her knowing quite well that Ramola D. had no mental issue's what-so-ever! You will fully know why they are quite scared to death of Ramola D. as she is an incredible Investigative Journalist by simply seeing the vast array of information people need to know, located at her website -
known criminal hospitals participating in/are accessories in the crimes against humanity with criminal doctors who write fraudulent psych diagnoses who have committed similar crimes: University of Colorado@ Anschutz in Aurora, Colo. and Porter Adventist Hospital in Parker, Colo.