Ramola D you are an amazing being who truly cares and loves people enough that you put your life on the line for the sake of releasing the truth about these evil and corrupt people operating their horrible crimes upon innocent people on a regular basis all across America! All those who know Ramola D. know exactly why these corrupt individuals kidnapped, man-handled and transported her to a "Mental Facility" where they illegally detained her knowing quite well that Ramola D. had no mental issue's what-so-ever! You will fully know why they are quite scared to death of Ramola D. as she is an incredible Investigative Journalist by simply seeing the vast array of information people need to know, located at her website -

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known criminal hospitals participating in/are accessories in the crimes against humanity with criminal doctors who write fraudulent psych diagnoses who have committed similar crimes: University of Colorado@ Anschutz in Aurora, Colo. and Porter Adventist Hospital in Parker, Colo.

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Thank you for this information, I have heard similar from many who have reported wrongful Psych Holds -- clearly hospitals and physicians are participating in this crime, as I learned too. Exposing them is key. Their reputation for fraud and medical malpractice on this off the charts level needs to be known!

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You are right. We are all subjected to invisible assault and battery, even those who persecute us.

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Ramola I want to exchange stories Tim did this to me

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targeting is more termite tent than an emf trumpets, Pest control, immediate delivery cannister of gas, buried tanks, chem tanks on four wheels backed into carports etc, but a castle doctrine assault. Yes they are wedded to their tools of torture. Maybe as a real estate gimmick for larger land holders. You never get the truth from them, They might leave or install more nozzle outlets. As far as removing the equipment, it stays in place and ready for the next mercenary.

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Today, a human being is just a commodity. There are various ways in which a human can be sold/made money of, this is a world of hidden slave market.

A person may not realize the many ways in which they have been enslaved to be profited from, they will perceive a "normal life" for themselves.

But there are others who suspect something is off but just brush it off as their imagination, they too experience a "normal" life.

Then there are others who do realize the atrocities being committed on them, but they are in a situation (enslaved from all sides) where they are not in a position to fight back, they either suffer silently or commit suicide when they can't take it any more.

And in the last comes people like you, who have dedicated their life to fight against these atrocities no matter how difficult life feels to just to exist. You represent and speak for a lot of people, fighting every day relentlessly. I salute you Ramola! Thank you for all you do.

I am a human guinea pig ever since I landed in USA many many years ago.

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May 18, 2022
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Thank you so much Martin, so appreciate it :)

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May 19, 2022
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Thank you JR :)

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May 18, 2022
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What a great thought and thank you...! All of us who can see what is going on and have spoken out against it are pushing that Force for Evil back all the time....we're with the Power side, I firmly believe, even though it seems this stand-off is going on forever!

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