Cool, clear and pointed. Thanks Ramola. I have added a link to this as a comment on my recent article. xx

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Mar 23, 2022Liked by Ramola D

It's quite the deception, but it will fall.

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Very Vivid post!

The last TV i purchased was stolen and Road Trip to Texas.

Very helpful photos!!!

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Nov 23, 2022·edited Nov 23, 2022

Controlled opposition is something we need to look out for. These people like to infiltrate by speaking out about a real pervasive problem or crime and then only supporting specific aspects that help to undermine the full extant of the harms. Targeted Justice does this by baiting people into going to the addresses of these people and by talking openly and publicly about the more hooky things that people have experienced that simply are not the norm for most people being targeted. I was on the Targeted Justice mailing list and was recently given a notice that they wanted people to discuss with them things that I really have not personally experienced that I feel would simply characterize any person as potentially insane. They also do this by showing the most extreme cases that are just not the norm, most people have no visible wounds, it is also done for the utmost deniability. I feel that some people may be targeted by certain players who like to play games with the victims to get them to speak out about those things to make them sound insane. My experience has been that these street theater situations are there to do just that. For instance, I was being targeted by neighbors, one a constable, with hits to the heart that was timed to occur at the same time every night that just so happened would be timed by this constable to coordinate with a motorcycle revving, a leaf blower and a porch light being turned on at a certain house, but they also had done this with a garage light as well, so that this would happen every night or at a specific time. They tried to set it up to make it seem like I was being reprimanded for doing or not doing something. This man has done this to such an extant that before I knew what all this was I was receiving such strong hits to my heart that I called an ambulance, whose EMTS were so shaken no doubt because if I had been evaluated I might have had proof of what they were doing, and they convinced me that I was simply having a panic attack and told me not to go to the ER. That was the point at which I first became suspicious because the EMT who evaluated me had shaking hands as he drew blood to make sure that I was not having some blood related incident or some other purpose I do not know except they convinced me not to go and the symptoms went away almost immediately with no intervention really of any kind on their part. Later, after what I now call a staged accident where I had sustained an injury to my chest, I decided to go to the ER and from that point on, I was getting regular hits to the heart that were done to me in a very organized manner whenever I was seeking to get something important done specifically to be in compliance with various laws. I endured this at the local DPS to the point that I almost collapsed that only subsided when I left the office once again proving this is being done and not symptom of heart attack.

When I attempted to report this constable for the electronic harassment, he sent CPS after me and later had this woman arrive to my home demanding to see if my children were okay telling me she had been told I said I said I was being attacked with a motorcycle, which was not at all what I reported. I had reported that the hits to the heart were coordinated to occur with the sound of the constable revving his motorcycle at a specific time each night. Something that he continues to do as a form of punishment along with various staged acts to give me hits to the heart in my car coordinated with aerial flyovers of jets, and unmarked planes, etc. What is most telling about this is that I was reporting being harmed and no one came to get a police report but only cared about seeing my children to imply they were in danger when in reality we all are being put in danger everyday with various attempts on my life personally often with my children in tow or involving my children so they do not care at all about their safety and wellbeing or they would cease and desist these actions for the safety and benefit of my children if they cared so much. No, they are in the business of human trafficking and trying to steal kids from single divorced women more than anything.

I feel that many of these controlled opposition groups, along with the various aspects built into the PSYOPS aspect of this program are designed very carefully to get the person to complain too much to various authorities that is used to discredit them and refuse to provide any assistance to them when they are being treated in a criminal manner. This happened to Connie Marshall when she kept documenting and reporting to police and this was used by the media to portray her in a negative light to discredit her legitimate and documented claims.

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i see anti personnel weapons, called incapacitant agent, one can locate the basic formulas from army manuals, cdc, epa, use refseek.com for academic research. Promis a friend developed then stolen or weaponized by Reconisuto, at Morongo. Installed people in legal troubles i believe are located to houses. grafted roof pipes chimneys' trees fence line debris piles, with emitters, pressure snap or lines to a central area pump and tank. Real estate where air currents of clean fresh air are thus infiltrated. As trafficking operations go on. Tiny gel particles hurled mechanical into wind current on targets, mezmerizing both target and perp who the libels work wonders(tongue in cheek). 911 software infiltrating all govt, and the mafia running parallel gaming on targets as poet justice sadistic torture like wolf packs fighting over territory. The tarantula wasp and tarantula, eight ways to Sunday. Sure they have EMF pulse, but sadly incapacitant agent supply chains of the WMD because the sheer volume of it, as a never ending supply.

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i got v2k in 74, as a child, at mass ! so ; theyve been used before 94 ? mark you , im the most t.i. in the world . im so targeted that when they do a false flag it will thread to me , to spirit torture me , ( i.s.t. illuminati spirit torture ) thread threw , times, names, numbers etc, yes ! these false flags are weaponised 360 degrees, taylored such that the target will notice.

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