The "New Way" of Stealth Urban Spectrum Assault: Yes, Microwave Weapons Are Being Used From Neighboring Houses & Parked Cars, Utility Vans, Service Trucks
Not just Drones, Celltowers, Antennas, Satellites: Countering New Disinfo from Richard Lighthouse
I received a missive from Richard Lighthouse this evening, a pointed one I should add, since I had unsubscribed from his suddenly-revived-in-my-inbox newsletter a day or so ago—a subscription I don’t recall making—after my publication of The Hidden Hand: How NSA, CIA, DHS, and FBI Collude to Keep Victims of their Top Secret (Yet Well Known) Extremely Inhumane Neuro/DEW Experimentation and Operation Crimes (under Cover of Surveillance, Community Policing, Counter Terrorism) Unheard, Unseen, and Powerless for Decades–Installed Support Orgs and Groups, Installed Intel Plants which included a look at Mr. Lighthouse, a faux-nom for “Owen Calvert” known to be associated with “Targeted Justice,” one of the so-called support groups examined in that article.
Suffice to say—given all I have reported earlier regarding this group, and my own interactions including an interview a few years ago, where I personally encountered his Disinfo-pushing—I am not a fan of his pronouncements and flow diagrams, his Clown banners at Langley or his questionable “support” of those illegally/unlawfully targeted by the FBI/DHS and sold nonconsensually into experimentation-slavery to the DOD, DOJ, and CIA—all felonious crimes, a Black Operation well-hidden by precisely such faux-support for decades (along with other constructs such as a deliberate campaign of denialism from all civil liberties and human rights groups such as ACLU, EPIC, Amnesty and all mainstream media such as The New York Times and Wired).

I wonder now who precisely he is trying to protect, the DOD or CIA or both—or DHS and FBI—or all four, for this one blatantly publishes fanciful tales designed to deflect focus from these Hidden Hand parties who have installed soldier mercenaries in “fusion houses” directly next door to people they have targeted for victimizing, pay them for “technical surveillance” and “Ubiquitous Technical Surveillance” and non-consensual “Health Monitoring” — all of which seems to involve the use of (quite unhealthy) microwave weapons, millimeter wave weapons, tracking radar weapons and other exotic tech, which the military has now rendered portable in many many ways, including handheld, gym-bag-size, suitcase-size, or larger, the kind carried in the trash and recycling trucks your city uses, not to mention service vans, utility vans, USPS vans, UPS and FedEx trucks.
Outright Lies: “There are no portable microwave beam weapons”
This is the missive—with language designed to control, manage, and handle any disclosure of this incredibly pernicious operation which is destroying bodies, brains, and lives:
There are several false-narratives and focus-shifters in this newsletter, and I will post some information below to inform all a little on the state-of-the-art in microwave and spectrum weapons.
High-Powered Microwave Weapons Have Gone Mainstream
In this recent 60 Minutes episode on “Havana Syndrome” hits on specially-selected diplomats and spies, in fact, James Benford, co-author of High Powered Microwaves talks about microwave weapons ranging in size from suitcase-stashable to truck-concealed, which can be used from close in or far away (Go past the 21 minute mark):
Declassified Document, US Army, Reveals Pulsed Microwave Weapons
Body heating, disorientation, disruption of muscle control, seizures, convulsions, memory loss, heightened aggression, lowered aggression, microwave hearing are some of the bioeffects of Spectrum weapons reported in this 1998 Army document released on FOIA request in 2006. The human body clearly is affected by very low frequencies as also by high frequencies, and by the varying of radio frequency with intensity and magnetic field to produce different effects. The devices addressed here sound like they are or could be portable.
Bio effects of Selected Non-Lethal Weapons/US Army
Microwave Weapons Addressed in Other US Military and NATO Documents
Microwave weapons for testing and training are mentioned in various other declassified documents and public-domain documents including the NATO Peace Enforcement document mentioned in recent reports including this one.
Non-Lethal Weapons and Future Peace Enforcement Operations, NATO, 2004
Please see the reports listed earlier for more information on what has been disclosed so far from the military documents.
Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons
Microwave Devices, Generators, Emitters Studied in the Public-Domain
There is also a lot of information emerging from public-domain study of electronics and radio frequency engineering, all of which points to the fact that portable microwave generators, emitters, repeaters indeed exist. This is a subject for a longer investigation for another day.
Cottage Industry of Assault and Battery in Neighborhoods Using Portable Microwave Weapons
As a reporter of non-stop continuous pulsed-microwave assault for 8 years now in my own neighborhood—traceable to several sources including neighboring houses—I can definitely attest to the widespread establishment by the Homeland Terror contingent of portable microwave weapons—call them generators, emitters, devices, et al but they are weapons—in “fusion houses” filled with paid mercenaries, using their own homes, SUVs, pickups, as sites for location and covert assault and battery.
Much pulsed rancor emanating from this party — with the help of drones and external firing up of the house heating system to unleash ELFs —has accompanied the writing of this post.
(You can’t write about microwave weapons and cover-up lies to conceal their existence without being assaulted by them apparently.)
Portable microwave weapons in fact are at the heart of what is being done—cruelly, barbarically, sadistically—by the US “Security” and “Law Enforcement” terror mavens to those they fear will tilt their apple cart and upend their long-established Cottage Industry of Cruelty with spectrum weapons—on which subject I will surely be writing more soon.
Meanwhile, no-one should be listening to Richard Lighthouse’s misleading missives seeking to protect criminals with badges and “Intelligence Communities” lacking ethics, conscience, and, indeed, intelligence.
Cool, clear and pointed. Thanks Ramola. I have added a link to this as a comment on my recent article. xx
It's quite the deception, but it will fall.