The Larger Crime: Behind the Kidnapping & Capture of an American Journalist and Author in Quincy, Massachusetts: What It's Really Brought To Light
Part V: Paper Trails and Weapon Crumbs
For several years, when the insistent planes, drones, and helicopters first razed the skies over my neighborhood starting in late 2013, intensifying in 2014 and continuing until 2020, when they took on a slightly different flavor but never disappeared, I sought to find out more with FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests, some made by letter-mail, most made online at, a paper trail anyone can peruse by visiting there and typing in the name “Ramola Dharmaraj”.
FOIA Letters in the Snow, Courtesy USPS
Curiously, the USPS mailman in the neighborhood dropped my FOIA-letter to the CIA in the snow just outside the corner mailbox—only my letter to the CIA, no-one else’s littering the melting clumps as I walked the dog down a sidestreet and found it—and also my FOIA-letter to the FBI on the porch as if blown in by a stray wind—I took both again to the mail and mailed them off.
Slight Aside: Post Office Spies
Did you know the USPS has a wing called the Internet Covert Operations Program—iCOP? Nor did I until a few minutes ago—but they seem to have been running it for a while certainly since 2019—behaving just like spies: adopting fake identities online, perusing people’s social media pages, matching keywords, and using facial recognition to find people. They also track protests and distribute “law enforcement sensitive” information through the DHS fusion centers.
In other words, they’ve joined the targeting brigade now, working hard to root out the opinionated, the independently-thinking, the critically-thinking, along with the contrived-chaos planted-protesters & outright-rioters no doubt, who together with the spies, work to give intellectually-centered activists a bad name.
The USPS' Semi-Secret Internet Surveillance Apparatus/The agency best known for delivering mail has a side hustle in online snooping.
Apparently, the Post Office Is Now a Spy Agency
By CHARLES C. W. COOKE/April 22, 2021 11:31 AM/National Review
Former CIA Whistleblower: Yes, Even the Post Office is Spying on You
And there’s more. John Kiriakou, CIA whistleblower revealed this in a MintPressNews article about something called the Mail Cover Program whereby the Post Office works directly with FBI, DHS, Secret Service:
The CIA Has Long Been Embedded Inside the US Post Office
Recently I asked a local Quincy, Massachusetts Postmaster if badge-flashing agency types ever came by and opened the mail after people rang up Certified or Registered Mail and he said in all the many years of his service he had never encountered such. As he spoke, a mail clerk dressed in all black hovered behind him and looked up at me, perhaps seeking to send me the message it was a Black Operation, the kind of message the black opsters frequently like to send—plausibly deniable all the way so you’re not supposed to report it to anyone, lest you sound “paranoid and delusional.” Outside, a car with license plates TROY1 pulled up in front of me. So it struck me a little late what these messages—if messages they were—were trying to say: It’s an in-house, infiltrated, Trojan operation, as this 1975 New York Times article confirms:
Former C.I.A. Official Asserts That the Postal Authorities Helped Agency Open Mail
By Everett R. Holles; Special to The New York Times | Jan. 8, 1975
Also Covered here in the San Francisco Chronicle:
From opening mail the Post Office has now graduated to reading tweets and texts and jumping to conclusions—as the entire targeting brigade does, on a daily basis.
And apparently, practicing careful oversight—as in selectively dropping my CIA and FBI FOIA requests in the snow—just because they can.
FOIA Paper Trail With a Few Agencies, US GOV Departments, Prevaricators, Practiced Dodgers, and Obfuscatory Liars
So I did hear back from a few of the agencies I queried, sometimes a terse response in the negative, sometimes a drawing out of the negative, sometimes endless prevarication—as from the US Airforce, a prime culprit in the use of energy weapons in my case, who spent a year prevaricating, revealing their guilt.
I reported this FOIA-research in my Letter of Notification/Notice of Liability/Cease and Desist I sent last February to the local Mayor, the local Governor, the Boston FBI Special Agent in Charge, the local Attorney-General, the head of the Commonwealth Fusion Center who is the head of the State Police, shortly after I did the basics to establish a live-life-claim with the Purple Thumb Community, which helps bring people back to the land and soil as living men and women, a quaint notion that has become necessary given other quaint enslavements imposed on all by the Vatican and the Crown Corporation and the British Empire (still running US GOV and most of the world) which has quaintly drowned us all at sea, resurrecting us merely to record our deadman status as Legal Fictions and Strawmen—more about which you can learn about here, if unfamiliar with this remarkable strangeness which rightly sounds criminal and a matter of long-standing fraud:
How YOU as 'Slaves' Or 'Cargo' became Lost At Sea.. Never likely to return - And It's All Legal
A summary of what I learned, late 2013 onwards, when miscreants in local government, state government, local police, state police (that’s the fusion centers), FBI, and DHS wrongfully targeted me and permitted a slew of agencies and military contractors—particularly the US Airforce, NSA, CIA, but also possibly US Army and DIA and NIH, from what I have learned, no doubt various Universities and AI/Brain/Cybernetics/Big Data projects involved—to go all-out to set me up as unwelcome focus of their special attention, running a character-assassination operation locally along with Neighborhood Watch Harassment while unleashing mega EMF Tech assault on me on a 24/7 basis—matters I have discussed in this series here in Part II: The Backdrop:
Responses on FOIA Request in summary:
General Dynamics has a presence in Quincy and a long-standing historic one, as I have reported earlier here: Ramola D | Parallel Construction To Project #FBILies About Stand-Out Americans in Order to Target Them for Life-Takedown & Deadly Anti-Personnel NLW/Neurotech Assaults
The documents from the USAF offered more on their 2013 7-year contract with General Dynamics to run Directed Energy Bio-Behavioral Research, and on one other, older Active Denial System contract, describing using 95GHz millimeter wave technologies in moving-spot fashion on humans, and are posted here:
Public Disclosure of Anti-Personnel DEWs and Neuroweapons (Non-Lethal/Limited Effect Wpns, EMF Spectrum Wpns) Being Used, Covertly but Definitively, Illegitimately, and Inhumanely, by US, UK, All Govts Worldwide on People
FOIA Request Report: CIA Unable to Confirm Informed Consent in Any Open Human Subject Programs and Research Using Directed-Energy Neuroweapons in the USA/FOIA Response 29 Sep 2015
FOIA Request Report: Massachusetts State Police Suggests Public Safety is Upheld By Withholding Inventory of Non-Lethal Weapons Currently in Use/FOIA Response 29 May 2015
My DHS FOIA requests asked specifically for information on contracts between neighbors and zoomers (which latter, from my current research were/are part of the Directed Energy Bio Behavioral Research tracking operations being run on a contract with the US Airforce (almost certainly that 2013/General Dynamics one I received some redacted documents on), and comprised the ground crew of the Distributed Common Ground System the US Air Force has set up to work with its drone/aerial crew to run Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance)—and it is the blank “no responsive documents” the DHS returned which tells me these are informal agreements, predicated on badge-flashing and BS about “investigations being opened” on myself along with character-assassination smear operations set about by the minions of the Massachusetts Fusion Center in my neighborhood, permitting the Weapons-Contractors to zoom about and park in their drives, or just outside their homes, as well as disembark and use their living-rooms and backyards to come do their tracking in, activities I have often witnessed.
Neighbors and all the other community traitors (former friends, colleagues, cousins, family, teachers and parents at my daughter’s schools) who have been contacted by the DHS/NSA/FBI—or well-camouflaged third-parties playing proxy for this lot—and told they cannot speak of having been contacted are also possibly told, especially neighbors, of “electronic surveillance on court order”—which FBI Whistleblower Geral Sosbee has described in his disclosures on secret courts, corrupt Federal Magistrate Judges and corrupt Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act court judges): Geral Sosbee, FBI Whistleblower: Murderous Corruption of FBI and Federal Magistrate Judges, Sample Secret FMJ Court-Order Requiring Inhumane Community Persecution of Innocent Targets
FBI and CIA/MI5/MI6 Whistleblowers Have Informed Us DEWS/Neurotech are Used by the FBI/CIA/MI5 to Illegally Persecute Their Targets of Vendetta and Discrimination
Geral Sosbee has stated it is usually the FBI which engages in the actions of character-assassination using extreme lies and deceit to secure neighborhood buy-in for a program of systematic, organized persecution to be run on their targets. He also notes it is Judges—the FMJ and FISA court judges—who unethically authorize the lifetime persecution with military weaponry of targets, and who could stop them.
Carl Clark, a whistleblower from England, who has worked for the CIA, Mossad, MI5, MI6, and other Intelligence agencies, has stated he has been part of crews hired to use electromagnetic weapons to destroy the health and lives of targets:
Ex-CIA and MI5 Agent and Whistleblower Carl Clark Reveals Covert Electromagnetic Torture of Civilians by Intel Agencies in US/UK/Europe/Asia with Directed Energy “Non-Lethal” Neuroweapons
Record of Non-Lethal Weapons Testing Projects Being Run All Across the USA—on Americans
And then of course, we have record of numerous non-lethal weapons testing projects run all across the USA, discussed in this thread originally posted on Twitter (before Twitter crashed out my account and all reportage over years on there):
US and NATO Weapons Testing Thread
Someone at an Air Force base I spoke to in clarification of my FOIA request told me there were about 1300 ongoing non lethal weapons testing contracts being performed nationwide, and I’d have to narrow my request (for all statements of work): this was in 2015. I wonder how many more are going on now?
Documents and disclosure I have unearthed, collected, and posted testifying to the absolute facts of unethical research by DOD and private companies on people, without their consent, and revealing DOD-DOJ agreements, DARPA-NIJ agreements, et al, are covered in a few articles which I have listed here:
Documentary Evidence of Mil/Intel/LE Crimes
Testing weapons on Americans is not a paranoid delusion being proffered by schizophrenics—as traitors in Media would have you believe—but a treasonous betrayal of their charge by the Air Force chief and Air Force, who publicly surfaced, in 2006, the Air Force’s intention to pulverize Americans in their homes and out with microwave weapons and other so-called non-lethal weapons.
Ongoing CIA Experimentation on the American People, Admitted to Amy Gutmann in 2012 but Not Divulged in Detail
In speaking of trails and crumbs, we cannot forget the CIA.
There is a domestic spying CIA program and we have disclosure of the CIA lurking in every Law Enforcement unit, as per disclosures from the ACLU and Mike Ruppert, LA Police whistleblower—but this too is an aside; more to the point, the CIA has been found to be actively involved in drug trafficking operations as per Ruppert’s whistleblowing (see video below, Mike Ruppert confronting CIA Director John Deutch)
and Gary Webb’s investigative journalism—for which Webb was assassinated;
in rendition and torture operations:
CIA Releases New and Gruesome Details on Its Torture Program/By Dror Ladin, Staff Attorney, ACLU National Security Project | JUNE 15, 2016 | 5:00 PM
in MK ULTRA human control operations; in stated interest in assassinating Julian Assange—recently revealed:
![Twitter avatar for @wikileaks](
The CIA has also been publicly outed in 2012 as engaging in non-consensual experimentation on Americans inside America, as per Amy Gutmann’s disclosures in her Moral Science Report of 2012 after her gatekeeper work as Chair of President Obama’s Bioethical Commission in 2011 to determine if criminal non-consensual experimentation was going on inside the US—which it was and still is, a sordid fact which Gutmann and her insider crew outrageously glossed over and lied about, ignoring the testimonials of hundreds of Americans who lined up in Washington DC and New York to testify on energy-weapon and neuroweapon assault on their bodies, often accompanied by RFID or nanotechnology implants: non-consensual, invasive, inhumane, and life-destroying.
Dr. Amy Guttman Violates Medical Ethics On Bioethics Committee, By Ignoring Targeted Individuals/James Lico
Treacherous Assaults on Human Rights Occur Through Both “National Security State” Infamy and Set-Up Health and Human Services Infamy
Something everyone should know is that in 2016, the CIA and numerous branches of the military and US Govt worked together with the Department of Health and Human Services and several treasonous “ethicists”—professors, physicians, attorneys—from major Universities to destroy the protections of the Common Rule, the US version of the Nuremberg Code despite the pleas for Informed Consent from the public, which included victims of the Intelligence agencies and military who openly reported harmful and inhumane experimentation on their bodies; see my detailed report here:
No Waivers of Informed Consent, PERIOD: The Public Reports Ongoing Non-Consensual Experimentation and Demands the Common Rule Protect Citizens, Not Covert Activities | July 17, 2016
Basically, the Office of Human Rights Protections at the Department of Health and Human Services and an ancillary body set up to deliver the deathblow to Informed Consent, the Secretary’s Advisory Commission on Human Research Protections (SACHRP) approved mega waivers to Informed Consent via approving “exclusions” and exemptions for “normative” Intelligence agency and Criminal Justice activities.
Torture in secret experimentation has become “normative” and legal now, thanks to OHRP, SACHRP, HHS, and, most significantly, Legal Counsel at HHS: but is it really? This is a mammoth issue which needs to be addressed publicly; HHS removed Informed Consent requirements, but do they have the legal power to approve Torture?
Dr. Robert Duncan of course, former DOD and CIA scientist and whistleblower has spoken openly about the great harms and physical torture executed by amoral and ethicsless military scientists in numerous concealed and compartmentalized DoD/CIA projects, including in an interview with me in February 2020:
Psych Holds on Those Being Hammered to Death with EMF Tech/Neurotech is Mega Mental Health Fraud
The way the CIA, NSA, DIA, DHS and FBI have been operating now for decades as a matter of protocol on the victims of their covert experimentation projects is to entrap, provoke, harass, invoke reaction, then swoop in with a Forced Psychiatric Evaluation conducted by a bought-and-sold psychiatrist so they can slam a label of Mental Case on their long-tortured victim, force medication on him or her to further destroy his or her health, dull his or her senses and will, neurodegrade his or her brain, and generally prep their victim for further and endless victimhood. Publicly, they can run about then with their “Community Mental Health Watchlisting” and tell the victim’s neighbors and family to watch, monitor, supervise, force-medicate, disbelieve the doubly-victimized mega-victim of their mega-fraud so they can continue torturing and assaulting him or her with EMF/Neurotech in secret. Jeffrey Dahmer, anyone?
This is America today, not the Soviet Union run by the KGB. And it has to stop.
Please stay Tuned for Part VI: Handmaidens of the Fraud in this ongoing series to be posted shortly.
Earlier Posts in this series:
Keep going Ramola. You speak for so many. xx
This great post should be shocking. It is not. Hopefully information like this gets out to Americans and people worldwide. Perhaps the people of this world will rise up and refuse to become slaves. They are attacking us anyway whether we stand up or not so those thinking they are protected are in error.